Keeping Calm On 4th and Long

Well, it’s been an interesting week. Will has been sick with nausea and vomiting almost since he began a new cancer drug three months ago, and now we’ve thrown low blood sugar into the merry mix. Finally, he reached a crisis point where he became disoriented and even somewhat combative, fell in the driveway, andContinue reading “Keeping Calm On 4th and Long”

If You’re Healthy And You Know It…Thank Your Meds!

Just about the time you get to thinking your immune system can fight off the squirrels in the back yard, something like this happens. I got the crud. It’s been going around since Fall began in earnest. Half my family has been walking around the house sneezing, wheezing and barking like seals, and like everything else I’ve beenContinue reading “If You’re Healthy And You Know It…Thank Your Meds!”

The Bitch Is Back

The depression and paranoia, I mean. I’m not having any suicidal ideation this time, I’m just discouraged and sad and afraid. I’ve looked at numerous options for housing—even temporary would do for now—and there don’t seem to be any that would allow Will and me to keep at least SOME of his Social Security check.Continue reading “The Bitch Is Back”

What A Difference A Year Makes

I’m sorry if you thought I’d dropped off the face of the earth, Constant Reader, but I’ve been “off the grid” since Friday. Our cable/Internet was out because of a snapped line, and so we’ve been living in the Stone Age for the past couple of days. What a relief to be back online! What I was writingContinue reading “What A Difference A Year Makes”