Moving Again

Well, Will and I are on the move for the second time in seven months, this time to our son and son-in-law’s house, where it is presumed by all concerned that this move will be our last. They have made it abundantly clear that they want us to stay for good, and the way finances are looking, that’s exactly what we may have to do.

Let me be clear: I miss our privacy. I miss the days when we rattled around in that big old house by ourselves, spending most of the time together, sometimes in companionable silence, and often in lively discussions about all sorts of things. It was during those past two years that we finally got to be just husband and wife again, and I know we’ll both treasure those times forever. At least we got to have them, before everything went to hell in the proverbial bushel basket.

That being said, I’ve accepted the fact that we need to live with someone, and I’m looking forward to it even though I loathe the actual process of moving. We’ll be with family, and that will make it home. I’ve never felt at home here. Nothing in this house is really mine—not the decorations, not the furniture (although to be fair, our landlady offered us space for some of our stuff, and more than once too), and definitely not the feeling of belonging.

But the time here has served its purpose; I’ve had the chance to heal from that horrible depression and become stronger. Even though things are stressful right now what with Will’s cancer progressing and our having trouble obtaining his birth certificate and adoption records so we can get his passport (that’s another whole post right there), I’ve been as steady as I can possibly be. Dr. Awesomesauce did think I was mildly depressed at our last meeting and documented it in my chart, but I’m really not…just stressed and a little anxious. I know depression, and this ain’t it.

Living with Ethan and Clark should also be an interesting experience. They are not into Pride, and even though I occasionally try to get them to at least walk in a parade, they are really just two hard-working men who come home exhausted most nights and simply don’t have time for those things. But they have an amazing assortment of friends, most of whom have colorful personalities, and on the nights when they DON’T come home and flop on the sofa, they go out with these friends or have them over for drinks. Personally, I think they all drink too much, but then I’m a recovering alcoholic whose partying days are loooooong behind her, so I tend to judge other people’s drinking behavior pretty harshly. I have to watch that. After all, Ethan and Clark can have a perfectly good time without booze, and they are rarely, if ever drunk. That certainly wasn’t true of me back in the day!

Anyway, I’m once again going to be off the grid for several days, maybe even a week, so I wanted my readers to know I’m not dropping off the face of the planet. I’ll “see” you again soon. 🙂

Published by bpnurse

I'm a retired registered nurse and writer who also happens to be street-rat crazy, if the DSM-IV.....oops, 5---is to be believed. I was diagnosed with bipolar I disorder at the age of 55, and am still sorting through the ashes of the flaming garbage pile that my life had become. Here, I'll share the lumps and bumps of a late-life journey toward sanity.... along with some rants, gripes, sour grapes and good old-fashioned whining from time to time. It's not easy being bipolar in a unipolar world; let's figure it out together.

7 thoughts on “Moving Again

  1. Wow, I feel sorry for ya! Moving that is. We are still doing tiny adjustments to things around our rental home, 2 weeks on. I hope this goes smoothly for you both. Glad you are feeling good. My bad mood swing was very difficult today, more than the last few days. Change doesn’t help does it…

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    1. Luckily we’re only moving one bedroom and a bathroom! Still quite a bit to pack but NOTHING like our move last winter. So sorry you’re having tough mood swings…moving does tend to destabilize us. Hope you’re well again soon. (((HUGS)))

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      1. Indeed it does, tosses everything into a tailspin. The moods can be powerful or mild, either way its a viscious cycle i cant seem to fully escape. Glad your move will be light. 💕

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  2. Moving is right up near the top of the most stressful things that you can do. But, I’m glad that you are going to get to be with family. You will just need to try to carve out some time where you and Will can get that privacy. It is so important. Good luck!

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  3. Moving is hard, there’s no denying that but, it sounds as though you are moving into an environment of love and caring. I hope you are able to blog as you travel this journey as more and more of us baby boomers are facing the situation of not being able to do ‘it all.’ I don’t like that but it doesn’t matter what I like, I must surrender to the fact that my body will not carry the entire load.
    I’ve been my husband’s caregiver for many years and just this week, I read a lot about ‘elder orphans’ and my next blog will be on this topic.
    Prayers for your dear husband and gentle hugs for you and prayers as well. Take loving care of you and here’s hoping you settle into a wonderful place that feels like the right nest for you. Blessings – Sheri

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